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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-03-11 12:26:24





Laomendong, did you go? Today I went to laomendong. It is located in thesouth of the old city in Qinhuai District of Nanjing City, with coop alley asthe central axis, supplemented by three camps, Zhongying and bianying.

Earlier, I was still very curious, old Mendong, is it old?

At the gate, I know that there are former residences of Jiang Shoushan andFu Shanxiang in santiao camp. Jiang Shoushan, also known as Jiang Shiquan, a Huinationality, was a great master in Nanjing in the late Qing Dynasty. It is saidthat he made his fortune by driving donkeys. He was called donkey Jiang. He hasa number of real estate in Nanjing, now know there are three: one is located inthe quiet lane, now calm market new building. There is also a place in the threebattalions east of the South Gate of the city. Fu Shanxiang was born in Jinling(now Nanjing) in the late Qing Dynasty. Born in a scholarly family, he is veryintelligent and likes to read classics and history. The first female champion inthe period of peaceful heaven. Kutong lane was originally named after ShenWansan, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, who was born in thelate Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty. He is the richest man in the southof the Yangtze River. It is said that his family has a cornucopia. It looks oldenough!

As soon as I saw the coop alley, I saw that there was a kind of strangepurple flowers at the entrance of coop alley, fresh and chic. In front of thedistant and near hall, there is a benevolent target Guanyin at the door. Thereare all kinds of jade ornaments in the hall, which are extremely pedantic.What's more fresh is a very smart big coop next to the hall. A tree was plantedin the coop. My mother said that the coop can protect the tree from being blowndown by the wind, and the tree can feel the coop as a sunshade. The rickshaw,which is a few steps away from the bucket, is even more strange. The rickshaw ismade of a lot of books, but it can't see any metal! It's waiting therefaithfully, as if its owner will leave at any time, and its owner is akind-hearted man. He wrote a lucky note on the rickshaw: "when the horse comes,good luck will come, and happiness will come naturally!"

Walking about 10 meters further, I found a noodle maker's stall, whichreally attracted me. Look at the monkey king holding up his golden cudgel, thesunflower opening up in the wind, the naughty pleasant goat nodding, and thebeautiful goat raising his hand.

On the pink wall at the end of the alley, I saw the nursery rhyme withpictures and texts. I was so happy: "the gate of the city is a few feet high,thirty-six feet high, ride a flower horse, take a knife, walk under the gate;the gate of the city is a few feet high, thirty-six feet high, ride a whitehorse, take a knife, walk into the gate and fall.

Laomendong is the crystallization of Nanjing's ancient history and culture,and a pearl in Nanjing's history. She has the former residences of JiangShoushan, Fu Shanxiang and so on. Some pedantic idioms such as Jiang langcai,yiyudaopo and so on are waiting for your eyes!


Today, our family went to laomendong to play. Laomendong is the mostcharacteristic scenic spot in Nanjing, the same as Confucius Temple.

From the premiere into the eye is a tall archway, above the title "old gateEast" three characters. Behind the archway are the statues of the high schoolchampion, the eye of the list, and the happy procession in the ancientexaminations. The whole statue is lifelike and extremely elegant.

Laomendong has delicious twist sugar, delicious sugarcane juice andfragrant beef casserole. There are many people today. There are long queues atthe door of every snack bar.

In addition to these mouth watering delicacies, the buildings of laomendongare also very distinctive, all of which are antique buildings. Walking on thelong street, I feel as if I have passed through time and space and returned tothe Ming and Qing Dynasties.

There are also lanterns on the roadside in various shapes, such as rabbitlanterns, lotus lanterns, zoumaguan lanterns, and many geometric lanterns that Ican't name. The most lovely thing is that there are still many people wearingblack gauze caps, and some girls about my size are also wearing gege'sheaddress. Mom also wants to buy one for me, but I didn't. I think it's a littlesilly to take it with me.

There are many branch alleys on both sides of laomen Donggu trunk road.Walking in one of the alleys, I found many nursery rhymes written on the wallthat we are familiar with: "how high is the gate? How high is it. Ride a whitehorse, take a sedan chair, and walk under the gate. " Looking at these, I thinkof the scene of playing games with my classmates in the school.

This is the old gate where the traditional style of Nanjing businessmenemerges. I think it's really funny here!


Today, our family went to the east of laomen. Laomendong is the mostcharacteristic scenic spot in Nanjing, similar to Confucius Temple.

The first thing that came into view was a tall archway with the threecharacters "old gate East" on it. Behind the memorial archway are the statues ofthe high school champion, the eye of the list and the flower of the ancientexamination. The whole statue is vivid and beautiful.

Laomendong has delicious twist sugar, delicious sugarcane juice anddelicious beef casserole. There are many people today. There are long queues atthe gate of every snack bar.

In addition to these mouth watering delicacies, the buildings in laomendongare also very distinctive. They are all antique buildings. Walking on the longstreet, I feel as if I have passed through time and space and returned to theMing and Qing Dynasties.

There are also flower lanterns on the roadside in different shapes, such asrabbit lanterns, lotus lanterns, zoumaguan lanterns, and many lanterns that Ican't name. The most lovely thing is that there are many people wearing blackgauze caps, and some girls about my size are also wearing gege headdress. Momalso wants to buy one for me, but I didn't. I think it's a little silly to takeit with me.

On both sides of laomen East Main Road, there are many branch alleys withwinding paths leading to seclusion. Walking in one of the alleys, I found a lotof children's songs written on the wall that we are familiar with: "how high isthe gate? How high is the gate? Thirty six feet. Ride a white horse, take asedan chair, and walk under the gate. " Looking at these, I think of playinggames with my classmates in school.

This is laomendong, which embodies the traditional style of Nanjing. Ithink it's really interesting here!


Laomendong, did you go? Today I went to laomendong. It is located in thesouth of the old city in Qinhuai District of Nanjing City, with coop alley asthe central axis, supplemented by three camps, Zhongying and bianying.

At first, I was still very curious. Old Mendong, is he old?

At the gate, I know that there are former residences of Jiang Shoushan andFu Shanxiang in santiao camp. Jiang Shoushan, also known as Jiang Shiquan, Huinationality, was a rich businessman in Nanjing in the late Qing Dynasty. It issaid that he made his fortune by driving donkeys. He was called donkey Jiang. Hehas a number of real estate in Nanjing, now know there are three: one is locatedat the entrance of Taiping lane, now Taiping shopping mall new building. Thereis also a place in the three battalions east of the South Gate of the city. FuShanxiang was born in Jinling (now Nanjing) in the late Qing Dynasty. Born in ascholarly family, he is very intelligent and likes to read classics and history.The first female champion in the period of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Kutong lanewas originally named after the gathering of Kutong workers from Shen Wansan, therichest man in the south of the Yangtze River. Shen Wansan was born in the lateYuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty. He is the richest man in the south ofthe Yangtze River. It is said that his family has a cornucopia. It looks oldenough!

As soon as I saw coop alley, I saw a wonderful purple flower at theentrance of coop alley, fresh and chic. In front of the far and near hall, thereis a kind-hearted Guanyin at the door. There are all kinds of jade ornaments inthe hall, which is very old. What's more strange is that there is a big coopnext to the hall. There is a tree planted in the coop. Mother said that the coopcan protect the tree from being blown down by the wind, and the tree can protectthe coop from the sun and dust. The rickshaw, which is a few steps away from thebucket, is even more fresh. The rickshaw is all made of Ben tou, but it can'tsee any metal! It's waiting there loyally, as if its owner will leave at anytime, and its owner is a kind-hearted man. He wrote a lucky note on therickshaw: "when the horse comes, good luck will come!"

Walking about 10 meters further, a noodle maker's stall appeared, whichreally attracted me. Look at the monkey king holding up his golden cudgel, thesunflower opening up in the wind, the naughty pleasant goat nodding, and thebeautiful goat raising her hand.

On the pink wall at the end of the alley, I saw the children's song withpictures and texts. I couldn't help but feel happy: "the gate of the city is afew feet high, thirty-six feet high, ride a flower horse, take a knife, walkunder the gate; the gate of the city is a few feet high, thirty-six feet high,ride a white horse, take a knife, walk into the gate and fall.

Laomendong is the crystallization of Nanjing's ancient history and culture.It is a bright pearl in Nanjing's history. It has the former residences of JiangShoushan, Fu Shanxiang, etc. some ancient idioms such as Jiang langcai, thefinishing touch and so on are waiting for you to watch!


Nanjing laomendong historical and cultural district was opened before thenational day. Although it is still under construction, the area of Kutong lanehas begun to take shape. Compared with the Confucius Temple, it retains morefeatures of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are also the former residences ofJiang million, the richest man in Jinling, and Fu Shanxiang, the first femalenumber one scholar in China, as well as Jinling Art Museum and Chengnan Museum,with a strong cultural atmosphere. The snack bars on the street have been openedone after another. Jiang Youji potstickers, blue boss congee lotus root, Xu'sduck and Jiming soup bag are all time-honored brands. Not only authentic taste,reasonable price, dining environment is also very elegant. My wife and I ordereda cage of chicken soup dumplings and a bowl of wonton stew, which cost only 19yuan in total. Compared with the 88 yuan spent on eating a bowl of duck bloodvermicelli soup in Confucius Temple last time, I'm naturally much moredown-to-earth.

Laomendong refers to a block to the east of Zhonghuamen. Since ancienttimes, it has been a downtown area, but later Nanjing city expanded northward,especially in the period of the Republic of China, the government agencies anduniversities were concentrated in the north of the city, and the generation ofthe south of the city gradually fell into the cold. Most of them live in thecommon people, and they are called "old city southerners" and speak Nanjingdialect. Nanjing has always been a city of cultural integration, so the peopleof Nanjing do not have any xenophobic ideas and do not discriminate againstoutsiders. On the contrary, people from other places will discriminate againstthe old Nanjing people. Even when their children are looking for a partner, theyhave to tell them not to go to a small citizen's home. This small citizen mainlyrefers to people in the south of the city. This makes the people in the south ofthe city very unhappy, but also helpless. After all, their status is inferior tothat of others. After the reform and opening up, there are endless calls fortransformation, but experts tend to protect it, and the contradiction was oncegreat. But this transformation is very successful. It not only brings a newlook, but also brings vigorous business opportunities and vitality, forming asustainable development trend, which will also play a prominent role in thecharacteristics of urban culture.

Qinhuai District used to be the smallest and poorest urban area. The areaaround Zhonghuamen is full of old houses and surrounded by walls, which isequivalent to a dead corner. However, many cultural remains have been preserved,and now it has become a rich mine with great development potential. After thecompletion of Jinling painting and Calligraphy Academy and other facilities, itis not impossible for Nanjing Cultural Center to move southward. In addition,not long ago after the merger of urban areas, Baixia District has been merged,and even Xinjiekou belongs to Qinhuai District. It's a blessing in disguise.It's hard to predict.

If I want to put forward some suggestions, I hope there will be more marketatmosphere here, that is to say, it should be life-oriented and not drive allthe residents away. Instead, it should be built into a simple landscape area,and more courtyards should be built to rent and sell. For example, it would notbe a good thing for an idle person like me to rent a secluded cottage here for awhile, get up every day to sweep the courtyard, make a pot of tea to entertainguests, and sell some calligraphy and paintings on behalf of others.

I hope my dream will come true, and all my friends are welcome to comesoon.

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