

  • 我家的廚房作文 要中英文一起的

    Our kitchen is not very big but it's always clean and tidy. There is a stove, some basins and a cupboard. When you enter it, you can see the stove is on your right. There is a cupboard under it. The chopsticks, cups, plates, bowls are all in the cupboard. My mother...
  • 廚房英語作文帶翻譯70個詞

    My mother's kitchen is small.There is a electric cooker in the kitchen.Mother uses it to cook every day.There is refrigerator in the kitchen.There are lots of delicious food in the fridge.There is a bunch of beautiful flowers in the fridge.There is a cupboard in the kitchen....
  • 我家的廚房英語作文怎么寫

  • 我家 的廚房英語作文50

    I have a clean and beautiful kitchen.Every day, the first light will be according to inside, making it even more spacious.Although I am not very good at cooking, but one or two dishes is easy for me, plus this place, is there any reason to do well then?I like my ...
  • 介紹廚房的短的英文作文

    A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation.In the West, a modern residential kitchen is typically equipped with a stove, a sink with hot and cold running water, a refrigerator and kitchen cabinets arranged according to a modular design. Many ...
  • In The Kitchen,描寫廚房的英語作文

    Oh, they’re strawberries. And what are those? They are grapes.【要領點評】這篇作文的題目是“在廚房”里,作者根據自己家的廚房情況。介紹廚房里有微波爐和電爐,有一張大桌子和桌子上的物品等,以及媽媽在做飯,非常真實。小朋友們,可以從觀察自己身邊的事、物寫起,利用所學的句子,描述身邊...
  • 英語作文 新廚房

    Our kitchen is not very big but it's always clean and tidy. There is a stove, some basins and a cupboard. When you enter it, you can see the stove is on your right. There is a cupboard under it. The chopsticks, cups, plates, bowls are all in the cupboard. My ...
  • 看圖,寫幾句與廚房相關的英語作文,要求不少于4句話,注意是六年級的

    Our kitchen is not very big but it's always clean and tidy.There is a stove,some basins and a cupboard.When you enter it,you can see the stove is on your right.There is a cupboard under it.The chopsticks,cups,plates,bowls are all in the cupboard.My mother often cooks ...
  • 第一次做飯的英語作文 200字左右

    “咕嚕、咕嚕.”!我的肚子開始叫苦了,沒辦法,自己動手做吧!我進到了那個讓我不安的廚房.首先打開冰箱,“有什么呢”?雞蛋、白菜、土豆.那今天就做個雞蛋、白菜炒飯吧!"Guru,guru." !My stomach began to complain,can't,do it by yourself!I reached into the one that makes me uneasy ...
  • 你可以在廚房干什么 英語作文

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